Curriculum vitæ: Felix Dangel
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Felix Dangel is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Vector Institute in Toronto. His goal is to build practical second-order optimizers to speed up training deep nets, and more broadly to develop practical algorithms that use higher-order information for deep learning tasks that build on second-order Taylor expansion (model merging and compression, uncertainty quantification, training data attribution, bi-level optimization, …). During his PhD with Philipp Hennig at the University of Tübingen and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, he extended gradient backpropagation to efficiently extract higher-order information about the loss landscape of neural nets to improve their training. Before, he studied Physics at the University of Stuttgart with a main interest on simulating quantum many-body systems with tensor networks. He is passionate about
- developing automatic differentiation tricks to tackle efficient extraction of richer deep learning quantities, like second-order and per-sample information, and integrating that functionality into machine learning libraries,
- using these quantities to build better algorithms—specifically for, but not limited to, optimization—or gain insights into deep learning phenomena, and
- releasing code that empowers the community (see for example
now | Postdoctoral researcher, Vector Institute, Toronto |
-- | Research statement: Deep Learning Needs More Than Just the Gradient |
2023 | With: Prof.Dr.Yaoliang Yu |
2023 | PhD in Computer Science, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems & University of Tübingen |
-- | Thesis: Backpropagation beyond the Gradient |
2018 | Advisor: Prof.Dr.Philipp Hennig |
2018 | Researcher, University of Stuttgart |
-- | Paper: Topological invariants in dissipative extensions of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model |
2017 | Host: Institute for Theoretical Physics 1 |
2017 | MSc in Physics, University of Stuttgart |
-- | Thesis: Bosonic many-body systems with topologically nontrivial phases subject to gain and loss |
2015 | Advisor: P.D.Holger Cartarius |
2015 | BSc in Physics, University of Stutgart |
-- | Thesis: Microscopic description of a coupling process for \(\mathcal{PT}\!\!\!\) -symmetric Bose-Einstein condensates |
2012 | Advisor: Prof.Dr.Günter Wunner |
- [pre-print 2024] Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature for Physics-Informed Neural Networks
F. Dangel*, J. Mueller*, M. Zeinhofer* (pdf | arXiv | video) - [ICML 2024 workshop] Lowering PyTorch's Memory Consumption for Selective Differentiation
S. Bhatia, F. Dangel (pdf | arXiv | code | poster) - [ICML 2024] Revisiting Scalable Hessian Diagonal Approximations for Applications in Reinforcement Learning
M. Elsayed, H. Farrahi, F. Dangel, R. Mahmood (pdf | arXiv | code) - [ICML 2024] Can We Remove the Square-Root in Adaptive Gradient Methods? A Second-Order Perspective
W. Lin, F. Dangel, R. Eschenhagen, J. Bae, R. Turner, A. Makhzani (pdf | arXiv | poster | code) - [ICML 2024] Structured Inverse-Free Natural Gradient: Memory-Efficient & Numerically-Stable KFAC
W. Lin*, F. Dangel*, R. Eschenhagen, K. Neklyudov, A. Kristiadi, R. Turner, A. Makhzani (pdf | arXiv | code | poster) - [pre-print 2023] On the Disconnect Between Theory and Practice of Overparametrized Neural Networks
J. Wenger, F. Dangel, A. Kristiadi (pdf | arXiv) - [pre-print 2023] Convolutions Through the Lens of Tensor Networks
F. Dangel (pdf | arXiv | code | video) - [NeurIPS 2023] The Geometry of Neural Nets' Parameter Spaces Under Reparametrization
A. Kristiadi, F. Dangel, P. Hennig (pdf | arXiv) - [PhD thesis 2023] Backpropagation Beyond the Gradient
F. Dangel (pdf | source | template) - [TMLR 2022] ViViT: Curvature access through the generalized Gauss-Newton's low-rank
F. Dangel*, L. Tatzel*, P. Hennig (pdf | journal | arXiv | code | www) - [NeurIPS 2021] Cockpit: A Practical Debugging Tool for Training Deep Neural Networks
F. Schneider*, F. Dangel*, P. Hennig (pdf | conference | arXiv | code | www | video) - [ICLR 2020 spotlight] BackPACK: Packing more into backprop
F. Dangel*, F. Kunstner*, P. Hennig (pdf | conference | arXiv | code | www | video) - [AISTATS 2020] Modular Block-diagonal Curvature Approximations for Feedforward Architectures
F. Dangel, S. Harmeling, P. Hennig (pdf | conference | arXiv | code | video) - [Phys. Rev. A 2018] Topological invariants in dissipative extensions of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
F. Dangel*, M. Wagner*, H. Cartarius, J. Main, G. Wunner (pdf | journal | arXiv) - [Acta Polytechnica 2018] Numerical calculation of the complex Berry phase in non-Hermitian systems
M. Wagner*, F. Dangel*, H. Cartarius, J. Main, G. Wunner (pdf | journal | arXiv) - [Master thesis 2017] Bosonic many-body systems with topologically nontrivial phases subject to gain and loss
F. Dangel (pdf) - [Bachelor thesis 2015] Mikroskopische Beschreibung eines Einkoppelprozesses für PT-symmetrische Bose-Einstein-Kondensate
F. Dangel (pdf, German only)
Talks & Workshops
- [2024] Invited talk at Cerebras Systems seminar (June 2024) and Graham Taylor's group meeting (July 2024) on "Convolutions Through The Lens of Tensor Networks" (slides)
- [NeurIPS 2023] Represented Vector Institute as mentor at the Black in AI workshop's Q&A session
- [NeurIPS 2023] Workshop poster presentation at NeurIPS OPT23 on "Structured Inverse-Free Natural Gradient Memory-Efficient & Numerically-Stable KFAC for Large Neural Nets" (poster)
- [2023] Invited talk at Perimeter Institute Machine Learning Initiative seminar (December 2023) titled "Deep Learning Convolutions Through the Lens of Tensor Networks" (recording, slides)
- [2022] Poster presentation at the ELLIS Doctoral Symposium (EDS) 2022 in Alicante (poster)
- [2022] Invited talk at ELISE Theory Workshop on ML Fundamentals 2022 at EURECOM in Sofia Antipolis
- [2022] Poster presentation at the ELLIS Theory Workshop 2022 in Arenzano
- [2022] Session chair at the Franco-German Research and Innovation Network on AI, June 2022
- [2021] Co-organization of the ELLIS Doctoral Symposium (EDS) 2021 in Tübingen, held 2022 in Alicante
- [2019] Invited DL overview talk, seminar for Integrated Engineering students, DHBW CAS in Heilbronn
- [2017] Talk at the DPG Spring Meeting of the atomic Physics and quantum optics section 2017 in Mainz
- [2015] Participation at the "Ferienakademie 2015" summer school, organized by the TU Munich, the University of Stuttgart, and the FAU Erlangen in Sarntal (Northern Italy), talk about Lattice Boltzmann Methods.
- [2014] Participation at the "Ferienakademie 2014" summer school, organized by the TU Munich, the University of Stuttgart, and the FAU Erlangen in Sarntal (Northern Italy), talk about NMR & MRI
Teaching, Reviewing & Community Service
- [2018-2022] Felix taught seven (7) iterations of software development practicals. In these courses, three PhD students supervise ~15 students whose task is to develop a machine learning prediction system for the German soccer league over the course of one term (example). The overall workload for a student is ~180 hours and the focus lies heavily on teaching good software development practices.
- Felix has worked with various students on different projects:
- [2023-2024] Samarth Bhatia (master student) worked on randomized autodiff for convolutions and wrote an ICML workshop paper identifying a sub-optimality in PyTorch's automatic differentiation.
- [2022] Elisabeth Knigge (high school student, summer internship) worked on making deep learning optimization methods more approachable to non-experts through visualization. By combining Tübingen's interesting topology with optimization methods, she created intriguing wall art for the Tübingen AI building.
- [2021-2022] Jessica Bader (research assistant) worked on broadening BackPACK's support for Kronecker-factorized curvature for Bayesian deep learning. She wrote the interface for negative log-likelihood losses to support KFAC and to enable applications with their Laplace approximation via the laplace-torch library.
- [2021] Tim Schäfer (Master thesis), now a PhD student with Anna Levina, added support for ResNets and recurrent architectures to BackPACK. The underlying converter that makes these architectures compatible can easily be enabled through an optional argument while extending the model.
- [2020-2021] Shrisha Bharadwaj (research assistant) improved BackPACK's code quality through additional tests, docstrings, and extended support for two-dimensional convolution to 1d and 3d.
- [2019-2020] Paul Fischer (research project), now a PhD student with Christian Baumgartner, implemented and analyzed Hessian backpropagation for batch normalization to speed up its Hessian-vector product, that can be slow (page 7), through structural knowledge.
- [2019] Christian Meier (Bachelor thesis): Activity prediction in smart home environments via Markov models.
- He reviewed for top-tier machine learning conferences and journals
- Advances in Neural Information Processing (NeurIPS) (2020, 2021, 2022 (HITY workshop), 2023, 2024)
- International Conference for Machine Learning (ICML) (2020, 2021, 2022, 2024)
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) (2021)
- International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) (2024)
- Served as reviewer for the Vector Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence 2023-2024