
Table of Contents

Hi, I'm Felix!

I am a Postdoc at the Vector Institute in Toronto. Before, I did a PhD with Philipp Hennig (and the IMPRS-IS) in Tübingen and completed a BSc and MSc in Physics at the University of Stuttgart.

My research focuses on building practical second-order optimizers to speed up training deep nets.

But the underlying concepts also emerge in, and can therefore be applied to, many other applications relying on second-order Taylor expansions (model merging/compression, uncertainty quantification, training data attribution, bi-level optimization, …). I enjoy digging into the internals of automatic differentiation frameworks, identifying numerical tricks, and fighting with indices of high-dimensional tensor expressions.

You can contact me via email.


Check out my Google Scholar profile for an always up-to-date publication record.


To make my research accessible, I provide efficient open source implementations. Check out my Github profile for an always up-to-date list.


An ongoing note and code snippet collection. To navigate to a post, click on its title.

KFAC explained

How to arrive at the Kronecker-factorized Hessian approximations, how to generalize them to transpose convolutions, and how to link them to other approximations.

Printing a poster towel

How I printed my poster towel for ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2022 in Alicante 🏖.

Expanding einsum expressions

A utility function to combine nested einsum expressions.

Structural implications of batch normalization

BN spoils the concept of per-sample quantities (like individual gradients). Which structure remains?

Hessian row sum in PyTorch

Example use case for Hessian-vector products in PyTorch (using a utility function in BackPACK).

My template for new posts

My website is an .org file exported to HTML with ReadTheOrg. This snippet is for new posts.

Org mode has been a great and free tool throughout, and after, my PhD (task and time management, notes, website, …). You can support its maintainers!

Author: Felix Dangel

Created: 2024-08-13 Tue 10:46
