My template file for new posts
This is a template file to simplify creating new posts.
You can grab the code as a python
script here.
With python
def hello_world():
"""Greets the world"""
print("Hello world")
Hello world
With \(\LaTeX\) math:
a^{2} + b^{2} = c^{2}
and a citation: dangel2020backpack.
With check boxes:
[ ]
Check box 1
[ ]
Check box 2
With timestamps: <2020-01-22 Wed>, [2021-09-10 Fri].
With emojis: 👍 😎
With (remote) images:
- [dangel2020backpack] Felix Dangel, Frederik Kunstner & Philipp Hennig, BackPACK: Packing more into Backprop, in in: International Conference on Learning Representations, edited by (2020)
Author: Felix Dangel
Created: 2021-09-10 Fri 15:37